PartnerStack Marketplace

PartnerStack Marketplace

A marketplace where partners can search for and discover new companies to partner with.

More Partnership terms beginning with
Partner program

A program that connects companies to multiple types of partners who provide marketing support, leads, and/or sales.Partners can consist of marketing partners, referral partners, and/or reseller partners.

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Partner onboarding


[part-nur on-bord-ing]

Partner onboarding is the process of educating and training a new partner in your partnership program to be able to perform the duties required of their participation. Partner onboarding occurs after the partner has formally agreed to join the program and the terms of the partnership have been defined and agreed upon. It can be run differently from program to program, but generally incudes education on the vendor's product and the partnership platform and technology.

The goal of onboarding is to prepare a partner for activation. Onboarding should provide a partner with all required knowledge to fulfill their end of the agreement, which may include (but isn't limited to) marketing the vendor's product, referring leads, selling the vendor's product, or advertising affiliate links. Onboarding may include certification courses so the partner can prove their knowledge of the product and platform is sufficient before proceeding with marketing or sales activities.

Example: ItelCo agreed to a referral partnership with Panner. The first step after signing the referral agreement was to be onboarded. ItelCo took courses and completed certifications, learning about Panner and their referral process as they went. By the time they finished, they were ready to start sending leads!

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Grow bigger and better with PartnerStack

Go all in with partnerships. Demo our platform to see how you can diversify your channel and scale revenue.