Marketing qualified lead (MQL)

Marketing qualified lead (MQL)


[mar-ket-ing kwaa·luh·fide leed]

A marketing qualified lead (MQL) is a potential customer that was brought in through marketing efforts and satisfies the requirements to be passed on to the sales team. MQLs can be used by marketing teams to assess the quality and quantity of leads they generate. They can be an important key performance indicator (KPI) for marketing teams to track.

Example: An obvious benefit of marketing promotion of a partner programs is their ability to bring in marketing qualified leads.

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Marketing development funds (MDF)


[mar-ket-ing duh-vell-up-mint fun-dz]

Marketing development funds (MDFs) are resources (most often monetary, sometimes knowledge-based) that a business grants to its channel partners to aid in their sales and marketing efforts.

Marketing development funds can be used by marketers to fund a range of initiatives, but some of the most popular include brand awareness, covering the cost of sales lead list rentals, or supporting efforts like webinars and lunch-and-learns.

Marketing development funds may be distributed only to top-performing partners, or a company may employ a proposal system where all partners can apply for funding. Funds are usually given within an agreement wherein partners must be able to report on their use and ROI, which can help build a case for future or continued MDF investment.

Example: The marketing team at Lotus applied for MDF dollars from their vendor to pay for a series of radio ads. The funding led to a marked increase in brand awareness, so they decided to apply for the funding again next quarter.  

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Monthly sales volume


[muhnth·lee saylz vahl·you·m]

Monthly sales volume is an essential SaaS sales metric that measures partner-sourced revenue that's generated on a monthly basis. Monthly sales volume is calculated by adding up the total sales in a month. Average monthly sales volume is calculated by diving the total sales per year by twelve to reflect the averaged amount. Monthly sales volume can show fluctuations over the year and be a key indicator of a healthy, growing SaaS business.

Example: One of the most important KPIs to track for a new SaaS company is monthly sales volume so investors and stakeholders can understand how much sales revenue they're making a month and approximate how much they will in future months.

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